Insights Ofcom publishes fifth annual report on monitoring compliance with the Net Neutrality Regulation


Ofcom has published its fifth annual report on monitoring the EU Net Neutrality Regulation (2015/2120/EU), which was implemented into UK law by the Open Internet Access (EU Regulation) Regulations 2016 and retained via the Open Internet Access (Amendment Etc) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 following Brexit.

Under these rules, broadband providers must treat all internet traffic on their networks equally and must not give preferential treatment to certain sites or services.

The report sets out Ofcom’s approach to monitoring and enforcing the net neutrality rules from May 2020 to October 2021. The report shows that during this period, Ofcom did not identify any particular concerns regarding providers’ practices, and its ongoing monitoring and reporting work has continued to support compliance with the Regulation.

In September 2021, Ofcom launched a review of the UK’s net neutrality framework to ensure it continues to best serve people’s interests while supporting competition, innovation and investment. Last month, it issued a call for evidence, which closed on 2 November. This did not include any policy proposals. To read Ofcom’s press release in full and for a link to the report, click here.