Insights Government responds to House of Lords Communications and Digital Select Committee’s follow-up report on digital regulation

In December 2021, the House of Lords Communications and Digital Select Committee published a follow-up report on digital regulation: “Digital Regulation: joined-up and accountable”, in which it said that regulators, government and Parliament must do more to ensure joined-up and effective regulation of the rapidly changing digital world.

In the report, the Committee said that systems were not rigorous or accountable enough to address regulatory gaps and overlaps, and better processes were needed to deal with emerging challenges, such as artificial intelligence advances.

The Government has now published its response, in which it agrees with the Committee that more joined-up working is needed between various agencies when it comes to regulating the digital space.

The Committee has welcomed the Government’s recognition of the need for enhanced horizon-scanning and coordination across the CMA, FCA, ICO and Ofcom. The Government also agrees with the Committee that greater consolidation and join-up is needed to maximise and share insights generated within government, regulators, industry and academia. To read the Committee’s news release in full and for a link to the Government’s response, click here.