Insights Government announces Michael Grade as its preferred candidate for Ofcom chair


Lord Grade has had a long career in broadcasting, encompassing London Weekend Television, the BBC and ITV, as well as over nine years as Chief Executive of Channel Four Television.

In May 2004 he was appointed Chairman of the BBC, succeeding Gavyn Davies, resigning in November 2006 when his appointment as Executive Chairman of ITV was announced, a post he relinquished in 2009.

Lord Grade was non-executive Chairman of Pinewood and Shepperton Film Studios for 16 years. He is non-executive Chairman of Talent Bank and of the production company StoryFirst. He is also on the advisory board of Miroma SET (formerly R4E Plc), a media and entertainment marketing company, and is co-founder of the GradeLinnit company, a theatrical production company.

In January 2011, he became a Conservative Peer as Lord Grade of Yarmouth. The Government explains that if he is appointed as Ofcom chair he will move to the crossbenches at the earliest opportunity. Lord Grade would also give up any non-executive roles that could cause a conflict of interest in him becoming Ofcom chair.

Lord Grade will now appear before MPs on the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee for pre-appointment scrutiny (date to be confirmed). The appointment process for the role was conducted in line with the Governance Code on Public Appointments. Ministers were assisted in their decision-making by an Advisory Assessment Panel which included a departmental official and a senior independent panel member approved by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. To read the Government’s press release in full, click here.