Insights European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) publishes report on how cybersecurity technologies and techniques can support implementation of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) principles when sharing personal data


ENISA explains that because data is at the heart of our lives and central to our economy, data has been coined as the new currency; no transactions or activity can be performed online nowadays without the exchange and sharing of data. Organisations share information with partners, analytic platforms, public or other private organisations and the ecosystem of shareholders is increasing exponentially. ENISA says that securing and protecting data should be a top priority and adequate solutions should be implemented to this end.

The objective of the report is to show how the data protection principles in the GDPR can be applied in practice by using technological solutions relying on advanced cryptographic techniques. The report also includes an analysis of how data is dealt with when sharing it is part of another process or service. This is the case when data goes through a secondary channel or entity before reaching the final recipient.

The report focuses on the various challenges and possible solutions in relation to intervention, e.g. the right to erasure and the right to rectification when sharing data. Targeting policy makers and data protection practitioners, the report provides an overview of the different takes on how to approach personal data sharing in an effective way. To read ENISA’s press release in full and for a link to the report, click here.