Insights European Patent Office consults on EPC and PCT-EPO Guidelines 2021


The EPO has launched a public user consultation on its Guidelines 2021, which have entered into force on 1 March 2021. Respondents can submit comments in any one of the EPO’s three official languages via an online form. The deadline for contributions is 12 April 2021.

The Guidelines for Examination in the EPO (EPC Guidelines) and the Guidelines for Search and Examination at the EPO as PCT Authority (PCT-EPO Guidelines) give instructions on the practices and procedures to be followed in the examination of European and international applications and patents in accordance with the European Patent Convention (EPC), the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and their Implementing Regulations.

The EPO says that the Guidelines are a vital resource for illustrating the law and practice in proceedings before the EPO and are widely consulted by external parties. They are revised annually to keep them aligned with the latest legal and procedural developments. To access the Guidelines and consultation form, click here.
