Insights European Data Protection Board adopts various documents at its 45th plenary session

During its 45th plenary session on 2 February 2021 the EDPB adopted a range of documents. In addition, it discussed Whatsapp’s updated privacy policy.

The EDPB adopted:

  • Recommendations on the adequacy referential under the Law Enforcement Directive (LED): the aim of the Recommendations is to provide a list of items to be examined when assessing the adequacy of a third country under the LED; the document recalls the concept and procedural aspects of adequacy according to the LED and the case law of the CJEU, and sets out the EU standards for data protection for police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters;
  • Statement on draft provisions for protocol to the Cybercrime Convention: the statement complements the EDPB’s contribution to the draft second additional protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime (Budapest Convention) and follows the publication of new draft provisions; in the statement, the EDPB recalls that the provisions currently being discussed are likely to affect the conditions for access to personal data in the EU for law enforcement purposes and calls for a careful scrutiny of the ongoing negotiations by the relevant EU and national institutions; the EDPB stresses the need to guarantee full consistency with the EU body of law in the field of personal data protection; and
  • EDPB response to the European Commission questionnaire on processing personal data for scientific research, focusing on health related research: the answers provided by the EDPB form a preliminary position on this topic and aim to provide clarity as to the application of the GDPR in the domain of scientific health research; the EDPB is currently developing guidelines on processing personal data for scientific research purposes that will elaborate on these issues.

Finally, the EDPB discussed WhatsApp’s recent Privacy Policy update. The EDPB says that it will continue to facilitate this exchange of information between authorities in order to ensure the consistent application of data protection law across the EU in accordance with its mandate. To read the EDPB’s press release in full, click here.