Insights European Commission invites views on G7 Guiding Principles on artificial intelligence


In September 2023, the G7 published draft Guiding Principles for Organisations Developing Advance AI Systems. Advanced AI Systems are stated to include foundational models and generative AI, and organisations include academia, civil society and the public and private sectors.

The non-exhaustive list of eleven principles covers areas such as risk mitigation during development and deployment, post-deployment vulnerabilities, transparency and information sharing, AI governance and risk management, security, content authentication and provenance mechanisms, research into AI risks, development of AI to address the world’s greatest challenges (such as the climate crisis), international technical standards and data input controls and audits.

The G7 members ultimately aim to agree a voluntary International Code of Conduct to provide guidance for organisations developing AI.

The European Commission has now launched a stakeholder survey on the draft Principles. Feedback will inform the EU position in the G7 negotiations to finalise the Code. As well as asking for comments on each of the Principles, the survey also asks what type of organisations should be covered by the Principles, what the mechanism for monitoring compliance should look like and whether any new principles should be added.

For more information, click here. To respond to the survey, which closes on 20 October, click here.