News Wiggin represents Racecourse Media Group Ltd and Amalgamated Racing Ltd

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Wiggin represents Racecourse Media Group Ltd and Amalgamated Racing Ltd in claims for breach of confidence and contract against Philip Siers.

Wiggin LLP has successfully represented Racecourse Media Group Limited (RMG) and Amalgamated Racing Limited (AMRAC) in proceedings brought against AMRAC’s former employee, Philip Siers.

RMG and AMRAC issued proceedings against top betting executive, Siers, claiming that he had disclosed the contents of a “highly confidential report”, to a senior industry figure (Warwick Bartlett).

In a judgment handed down in the High Court today, His Honour Judge Reid found that Siers’ evidence was ‘unconvincing’ and that the balance of probabilities ‘lies firmly on the side of Mr Bartlett’s assertion that the source of his information was Mr Siers’.

The case will be re-listed for the judge to make a determination as to appropriate relief and damages for AMRAC and RMG.

Partner, Simon Baggs, who led the team at Wiggin, said: “We are delighted to be working with AMRAC and RMG on this case.  AMRAC and RMG can take a great deal of comfort from the High Court’s decision, which confirms that their rights will be upheld and enforced.”

Counsel for AMRAC and RMG was Edmund Cullen QC.  Mr Siers was represented by Olswang and his counsel was Sara Mansoori.