Insights Gambling Commission starts two-way conversation with consumers to understand what needs to change to ensure gambling businesses put consumers first.

The Gambling Commission is calling for consumers, and bodies that represent consumers, to help shape how it works with the public.  It has published “a two-way conversation: our plan for communicating with consumers”, which sets out the Commission’s approach to those who gamble or have an interest in gambling.

In a video-blog, Commission chief executive, Sarah Harrison, said: “We want gambling companies to do much more to put consumers at the heart of the businesses – we’re doing this via the regulations that we set and the way in which we go about enforcing them.  But we know we also have to do more ourselves to tap into consumer concerns, understand consumer interests and communicate better with consumers – that’s consumers who enjoy gambling, as well as those for whom it may become a real problem”.

Ms Harrison explained that the Commission’s plan was based on three themes: increasing transparency and clarity, being more responsive, and working in partnerships, for example with organisations that represent consumers’ interests.

Commenting on the new plan, Dirk Hansen, chief executive at GamCare, said: “It’s great to see that the Commission is further developing their views in order to fully appreciate how gambling affects consumers.  As a provider of support services to individuals harmed by gambling, we welcome this level of interest both in obtaining information on consumer behaviour, and in reaching out directly to consumers to obtain their perspective”.  To read the Commission’s news release in full, click here.