Insights Ofcom publishes update on its enforcement programme relating to industry’s failure to implement One Touch Switch by deadline of 3 April 2023


In April 2023, Ofcom issued a formal information request to several providers following the opening of its enforcement programme into industry’s failure to implement One Touch Switch (OTS) by the 3 April 2023 deadline.

In its update, published on 23 May 2023, Ofcom says that the purpose of the request is to establish what steps providers have already taken to implement OTS, what steps still need to be completed and providers’ plans for these. It also says that the request focuses on evidence of readiness against the following main themes, which Ofcom is sharing given the cross-industry nature of OTS:

  • engagement with the relevant industry forum, The One Touch Switching Company (TOTSCo);
  • preparation for compliance with Gaining and Losing provider obligations;
  • preparation for cross-industry end-to-end testing of the hub;
  • preparation of customer communications and staff training; and
  • any other reasons that have led to delayed implementation.

Ofcom stresses that the information request is not intended to serve as guidance for providers and that it remains industry’s responsibility to bring itself into compliance with its obligations under C7.18 – C7.27 of the General Conditions and to engage with TOTSCo as required to achieve this as quickly as possible. To access Ofcom’s enforcement programme web page, click here.