Insights Ofcom publishes terms of reference for its mobile strategy review


In its plan of work for 2021/2022, Ofcom outlined plans to develop a strategy for its approach to the mobile sector, to support innovation and help ensure people across the UK get the connections they need. Ofcom has now published the terms of reference for its upcoming mobile strategy review.

The review will aim to ensure the mobile market works well for people and businesses over the next five to ten years. The review will consider how people’s and businesses’ use of mobile is likely to evolve, including what new uses might become possible due to changes in technology. It will cover how the value chain may change (both vertically and horizontally) and the potential impact of those changes. The review will consider whether there are any barriers to the market delivering good outcomes in the coming years, and whether any existing regulation might need to be revised to help ensure the delivery of those outcomes.

The review will have at least two main phases. The first phase will focus on evidence gathering and understanding people’s and businesses’ use of mobile connectivity, the impact that changes to the mobile value chain are having on the market and the extent to which the market is likely to deliver good outcomes. The second phase will draw initial conclusions and set out any next steps.

Ofcom plans to publish a discussion paper on the review inviting stakeholder views by the end of 2021, with initial conclusions published in Spring 2022. To access the terms of reference, click here.