Insights Ofcom publishes response to the Government’s Statement of Strategic Priorities

Ofcom has published its response to the Government’s Statement of Strategic Priorities for telecoms, spectrum and post.

Following consultation last year, the Government designated its Statement on 29 October 2019. Ofcom says that it has considered the Statement within its current work, and in developing its Plan of Work for the coming financial year (see item above), and has now published its formal response to the Government. This explains Ofcom’s plans in the following areas, covered in the statement:

  • world-class digital infrastructure;
  • furthering the interests of telecoms consumers;
  • secure and resilient telecoms infrastructure; and
  • postal services.

Ofcom says that it will continue to have regard to the Statement as it carries out its Plan of Work, and as it sets its work programme for the future. To access the response, click here.