Insights Ofcom publishes report on the technologies shaping communications for the future

In 2020, Ofcom put out a call for evidence on the emerging technologies that have the potential to transform communications in the future. It received contributions from companies, organisations and technology experts from across the world.

Ofcom has now published a report highlighting examples of the technologies submitted, including analysis of how each technology would make a difference to people and businesses. Key features of the report include: innovative technologies to support the rollout of better mobile and broadband services; the role of satellite technology in connecting the hardest to reach areas; and developments in the broadcast sector such as enhanced, bespoke coverage of sporting events. New immersive technologies allowing people to touch, and even smell, at a distance, are also highlighted.

Further detail on these technologies is explained in a series of videos Ofcom has published alongside the report. To access the report and videos, click here.