Insights Ofcom publishes proposals to revise its broadband speeds Codes of Practice


Ofcom has published a consultation on proposed changes to its Codes of Practice on broadband speeds.

Ofcom’s existing Codes of Practice commit internet companies who have signed up to them to give customers an estimated range of speeds they are likely to receive, as well as the right to exit their contracts penalty-free if their speed falls below a minimum level.

To enhance the Codes, Ofcom is proposing to:

  • improve speed information at the point of sale and in contracts by reflecting the slower speeds people can experience at peak times and by ensuring providers always give a minimum guaranteed speed before sale;
  • strengthen the right to exit if speeds fall below a guaranteed minimum level. Providers would have a limited time to improve speeds before they must let customers walk away penalty-free. For the first time, this right to exit would also apply to contracts that include phone and pay-TV services bought with broadband; and
  • increase the number of customers who benefit from the Codes, by expanding their scope to apply to all broadband technologies.

The consultation closes on 10 November 2017. Ofcom expects to publish a final decision early next year, alongside a consumer guide to help raise awareness of the additional benefits of the improved Codes. To read Ofcom’s news release and to access the consultation, click here.

