Insights Ofcom publishes its gender and ethnicity pay audit for the year ending March 2019

The report includes analysis of how pay rates are distributed by gender and ethnicity across Ofcom, and within specific roles. It finds:

  • using the mean average, Ofcom’s overall gender pay gap was 8.8% in March 2019, down from 11.7% in 2017. The overall ethnicity pay gap was 14.5% in March 2019, compared to 14% in 2017; and
  • using the median average, Ofcom’s overall gender pay gap was 8.7% in March 2018, down from 12.1% in 2017. The overall ethnicity pay gap was 13.8% in March 2019, down from 15% in 2017.

Ofcom says that while it has made progress in reducing its pay gaps, there is further to go. In 2018, it put in place a four-year diversity and inclusion plan. It says it will publish an update on progress made in year two, including a new set of five-year diversity targets, in autumn 2020. For further information, click here.