Insights Ofcom publishes its 2018 News Consumption in the UK research report

The report looks at the way adults and older children in the UK consume news across television, radio, print, social media, other internet sources and magazines.

The report follows qualitative research which explored people’s relationship with online news in an “always-on” society.

Findings from the quantitative research include:

  • television is the most popular platform for news (79%), followed by the internet (64%), radio (44%) and newspapers (40%);
  • UK adults say they use an average of 6.7 individual sources for news;
  • BBC One is the most important news source, used by 62% of UK adults, followed by ITV (41%) and Facebook (33%);
  • social media is the most popular type of online news, now used by 44% of UK adults;
  • magazines are rated more favourably than any other news platform for quality, accuracy, trustworthiness and impartiality; and
  • six in ten children aged 12-15 (60%) claim to be interested in news, while three quarters (77%) claim to consume news on a weekly basis.

To access the report, click here.
