Insights Ofcom publishes final conclusions on its assessment of the relationship between BritBox and the BBC’s public service activities

Ofcom has published final conclusions on the relationship between BritBox, a proposed new streaming service from ITV and the BBC, and the BBC’s publicly-funded (or public service) activities.

As required under the Charter and Agreement, Ofcom has assessed whether the BBC’s involvement in BritBox represents a “material change” to its commercial activities. Having carefully considered the evidence and industry feedback to its consultation, Ofcom has decided that:

  • there is not a significant risk that the BBC’s involvement in BritBox may, as a result of the relationship with the BBC’s public service activities, distort the market or create an unfair competitive advantage; and
  • the BBC’s involvement in BritBox does not, therefore, give rise to a material change to its commercial activities.

Ofcom says that it already has measures in place to regulate the boundary between the BBC’s public service and commercial activities, which will address most concerns raised during our consultation. In addition, it will closely monitor the BBC’s plans and involvement with the new venture, particularly changes to the BBC’s programme release policy and any cross-promotion from the BBC. Ofcom says that it will step in if it has any concerns as the service develops. To read Ofcom’s conclusions in full, click here.