Insights House of Commons Library publishes research briefing on the UK-EU future relationship negotiating timetable and extending the transition period

The briefing sets out the timetable for the UK-EU future relationship negotiations. It provides an overview of the debate on whether the post-Brexit transition period should be extended, and explains the process for extending this period. The briefing explains that the transition period will end on 31 December 2020, but it can be extended by UK-EU agreement for up to two years. Under the Withdrawal Agreement (WA) any decision to extend must be taken before 1 July 2020.

The briefing states that “the diversion of political attention and interruption to the negotiating timetable because of the coronavirus crisis has led to increased calls for the transition period to be extended”. The UK Government has, however, said that it will not seek an extension and will refuse one if the EU asks. The Government has also legislated to prohibit the UK agreeing to an extension.

The briefing notes that if the Government were to change its mind, new legislation to repeal the prohibition would need to be enacted. The terms of extension would also need to be negotiated with the EU. An extension would require agreement on its duration and on a UK financial contribution to the EU for the extended period.

Further, the Withdrawal Agreement does not allow for a decision to extend the transition period after 30 June. According to the briefing, some commentators have suggested that an implementation or transition phase similar to the current transition period could be agreed as part of a new future relationship agreement. However, both the UK and EU have expressed scepticism towards this idea. To access the briefing, click here.
