Insights Government publishes Call for Views on software resilience and security for businesses and organisations


The publication seeks views on the cyber security risks of software used by businesses and organisations, and in which areas the Government should seek to mitigate those risks.

The Government explains that the impact of rapid digitisation has been felt across all sectors of our economy and society, and it is essential that this digital world in which we live and work is resilient to cyber threats and disruption.

The Government says that to strengthen the UKs resilience, the digital products and services we use must be secure by design and software is a foundational and critical digital tool on which our economy now relies. However, the Government recognises that it must also help the organisations involved in the development, distribution, maintenance and use of these products and services manage the risks associated with software.

Through the Call for Views, the Government wants to better understand the nature of software risks as a whole to UK organisations, and on which areas the Government should focus to mitigate them. The Call for Views focuses on software risks across the software lifecycle. To access the Call for Views, click here.