Insights EU Intellectual Property Office Observatory publishes discussion paper on use of social media for IP infringements

EUIPO says that with the growing popularity of social media, IP infringers have developed new strategies to misuse social media’s unique combination of functionalities for their own purposes.

The discussion paper explores new and existing trends whereby social media functionalities are misused to infringe IP rights directly, to support IP-infringing activities happening through other channels, or to provide information on such activities. It identifies some of the challenges faced by IP owners, law enforcement authorities and social media companies in addressing these trends. It also lists the preventative and reactive good practices developed by social media services to counteract these trends.

The discussion paper supplements the recent EUIPO report on “Monitoring and analysing social media in relation to IPR infringement”, which examines the volume and frequency of IP infringement using social media services. To read EUIPO’s press release in full and for a link to the discussion paper, click here.