Insights Council of the EU adopts resolution on “security through encryption and security despite encryption”


The Council has adopted a resolution on encryption, highlighting the need for security through encryption and security despite encryption. In the resolution, the Council underlines its support for the development, implementation and use of strong encryption as a necessary means of protecting fundamental rights, such as privacy, and the digital security of citizens, governments, industry and society. At the same time, the Council notes the need to ensure that competent law enforcement and judicial authorities are able to exercise their legal powers, both online and offline, to protect societies and citizens.

The Council says that the EU is striving to establish an active discussion with the technology industry, and with close involvement from research, academia, industry, civil society and other stakeholders, so as to strike the right balance between ensuring the continued use of strong encryption technology and guaranteeing the powers of law enforcement and the judiciary to operate on the same terms as in the offline world. Potential technical solutions will need to respect privacy and fundamental rights, and preserve the value that technological progress brings to society, the resolution states. To access the resolution in full, click here.
