Insights British Board of Film Classification delegates regulation of all cinema advertisements in the UK to Cinema Advertising Association.

Following a DCMS consultation, the BBFC and the CAA have agreed to end the dual regulation of advertisements shown in UK cinemas.  With effect from 1 April 2016, the CAA becomes responsible for assessing and classifying all cinema advertisements.  The BBFC retains its classification role in relation to trailers, public information films, campaigning films and all other theatrical works.

Where there is doubt as to whether a particular film should be considered an advertisement, the BBFC will determine whether such film requires to be classified in accordance with its Classification Guidelines and will inform the CAA accordingly.

The BBFC’s Chief Executive, David Austin, said: “One of the BBFC’s guiding principles is to protect children and vulnerable adults from potentially harmful or otherwise unsuitable content.  By sub-contracting the regulation of cinema advertisements to the CAA, we are confident that the public will remain protected and that industry will benefit from the newly streamlined process. We look forward to continuing this partnership with the CAA and to supporting them in their work.”  To read the BBFC press release click here.
