Insights Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) consults on its Work Programme 2022


Earlier this year BEREC adopted an Outline BEREC Work Programme 2022, setting out the objectives of its work in the upcoming year. In March 2021, BEREC launched an early call for input into the Outline Work Programme 2022. Having considered the feedback, BEREC has now published the draft Work Programme 2022 for public consultation.

BEREC says that its work objectives in 2022 continue to be based on mandatory tasks pursuant to the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) and the four main goals from Article 3(2) EECC:

  • promoting connectivity and access to very high-capacity networks;
  • promoting competition and efficient investment;
  • contributing to the development of the internal market; and
  • promoting the interest of the citizens of the Union.

Consistently implementing the EECC continues to be at the forefront of BEREC’s work. Further, BEREC says that it is committed to “serving as a body for thoughtful and proactive debate that provides advice to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission in the field of electronic communications”. Similarly, BEREC seeks to “engage cooperatively and effectively with stakeholders”.

The Work Programme 2022 also considers that preparation for new challenges ahead resulting from political, economic and technological developments, is an essential task, e.g., the Green Deal and the Agenda 2030 to foster sustainability.

BEREC encourages all stakeholders and interested parties to provide their views and contributions to the Work Programme 2022. The consultation closes on 5 November 2021. To read BEREC’s announcement in full and for further information on providing input, click here.