Insights Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) adopts various Guidelines and launches public consultations on Very High Capacity Networks Guidelines and the BEREC Strategy

BEREC says that the implementation of the European Electronic Communications Code (2018/1972/EC) (EECC) continues to be at the forefront of its work in 2020. By the end of this year, BEREC has to deliver a total of 11 sets of Guidelines for national regulatory authorities (NRAs). It has already delivered three sets and, at the last ordinary meeting, it adopted another four:

  • Guidelines detailing Quality of Service Parameters: these Guidelines provide guidance to NRAs in respect of Article 104 of the EECC and contribute to the consistent application of Article 104(2) and Annex X, with the aim of defining: (i) the relevant Quality of Service (QoS) parameters, including the parameters relevant for end-users with disabilities; (ii) the applicable measurement methods for these QoS parameters, including, where appropriate, the ETSI and ITU standards set out in Annex X of the EECC in relation to Interpersonal Communications Services and Internet Access Services; (iii) the content and format of publication of QoS information; and (iv) quality certification mechanisms;
  • Guidelines on the consistent application of Geographical surveys of network deployments: these Guidelines provide guidance to NRAs on common approaches to develop Geographical Surveys. BEREC consulted on the Guidelines in October 2019. It received 27 responses including from operators, operator’s associations, public authorities and citizens;
  • Guidelines on Common Approaches to the Identification of the Network Termination Point in different Network Topologies: these Guidelines are intended to provide guidance to NRAs on common approaches to the identification of the network termination point (NTP) in different network topologies. The aim is that the Guidelines contribute to the harmonisation of the location of NTPs in the EU; and
  • BEREC guidelines on common criteria for the assessment of the ability to manage numbering resources: these Guidelines are to assist Member States when assigning numbering resources to undertakings other than providers of electronic communications networks or services pursuant to Article 93(2) of the EEC.

BEREC also published draft Guidelines on Very High Capacity Networks, which are now open for public consultation until 24 April 2020, and updated Guidelines on intra-EU communications, which are open for public consultation until 10 April 2020.

In addition, BEREC published its report on the outcome of the public consultation on the draft BEREC Feasibility study on the development of coverage information for 5G deployments. The report summarises the responses received to the public consultation, which closed on 28 November 2019.

Finally, BEREC has also published a public consultation on its draft Strategy 2021-2025. This is open for consultation until 13 April 2020. For further information and links to the above documents, click here.

