Insights Advertising Association says that it is “dismayed” at Government’s decision to ban HFSS ads on TV before 9pm watershed

In a statement in response to the Government’s announcement, Sue Eustace, Public Affairs Director of the Advertising Association, commented:

“We are dismayed Government is moving ahead with its HFSS ad ban on TV before the 9pm watershed and increased restrictions online. This means many food & drink companies won’t be able to advertise new product innovations and reformulations and larger food-on-the-go, pub and restaurant chains may not be able to tell their customers about their menus. Content providers – online publishers and broadcasters – will lose vital advertising revenue to fund jobs in editorial and programme-making. We all want to see a healthier, more active population, but the Government’s own analysis shows these measures won’t work. Levelling up society will not be achieved by punishing some of the UK’s most successful industries for minimal effect on obesity levels.” To read the statement on the Advertising Association’s website, click here.