News HMRC updates advice for media businesses following Wiggin led initiative

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Wiggin is delighted to have co-run the initiative which has led to updated guidance from HMRC on the status of freelance roles in the media sector. Working with a range of industry stakeholders, tax partner Ceri Stoner and Mark Groom of Deloitte, collaborated with HMRC to provide clarity for media businesses on whether workers are freelance or staff.

Speaking to Broadcast, Stoner said:

“The modernisation of the employment status guidance is the culmination of long-term collaboration between HMRC and industry, and the updated guidance is far more in step with current working practices.”

You can read her comments in full on the Broadcast website (paywall).

The short-term nature of many productions, and the highly specialist skills required to work in certain roles within the sector means the media industry has a particular dependence on a contingent workforce. The updated guidance includes a new and exhaustive list of roles that should naturally be treated as self-employed, and now reflects current industry terms and modern ways of working.

The updates come at a critical time given the extension of IR35 tax laws to the private sector later this year.