Insights European Commission launches public consultation on fixed and mobile termination rates.

The Commission has published a consultation on “the evaluation of Commission Recommendation 2009/396/EU on the Regulatory treatment of fixed and mobile termination rates in the EU”, as part of its Digital Single Market Strategy.

The Commission explains that the “termination rates” it is referring to are the rates that telecoms operators charge each other to deliver calls between networks. These costs are ultimately transferred to consumers and businesses.

The objective of the Commission’s 2009 Termination Rates Recommendation (TRR) is, the Commission says, to increase consistency across EU countries in the way national regulatory authorities set termination rates through the use of a specific costing methodology.  The aim is to bring termination rates across the EU to a cost-efficient level and reduce discrepancies between fixed and mobile termination charges.  The TRR therefore contributes to the promotion of efficiency and sustainable competition, and to maximising consumer benefits, in accordance with the provisions of the EU legislative framework for electronic communications.

The consultation first seeks to evaluate the impact of the TRR on the termination markets and on the EU internal market.  Secondly, it seeks views on whether the regulatory approach towards termination rates should be maintained and/or amended.  The results of the consultation will provide guidance to the Commission in the revision process of the TRR.  The consultation is open until 7 June 2016.  To access the consultation documentation, click here.

