Insights Ofcom consults on new template notices to be used by communications network operators when seeking a Part 4A order for access to land under Electronic Communications Code


Ofcom is seeking views on two new template notices that communications network operators may need to use to secure access to land or property under Part 4A of the Electronic Communications Code (see item above), which grants Code operators additional rights to access property when they are unable to reach agreement with landowners.

As required under the Act, Ofcom has drafted two new template notices for Code operators to issue to landowners who repeatedly fail to respond to their requests for access to their property: a warning notice (which must be issued twice) and a final notice. These notices must be issued before operators can apply for a court order to secure access.

Ofcom is also making minor changes to the existing request notice, which operators must serve in writing to first alert landowners of their request to access the land.

Views on the detailed content in these template notices must be submitted to Ofcom by 7 December 2022. To access the consultation, click here.