Insights Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) publishes 2022 Report on implementation of the Open Internet Regulation (2015/2120/EU)

The Report provides an overview of the activities of national regulatory authorities (NRAs) while implementing the Open Internet Regulation and associated BEREC Open Internet Guidelines.

The Report reflects the sixth year of the application of the Regulation, covering the period 1 May 2021 to 30 April 2022. BEREC gathered information from 28 NRAs via an internal questionnaire. BEREC also included descriptions of open internet cases or investigations that arose throughout the 12-month reporting period.

The Report shows that NRAs have actively implemented the Regulation. Further, during the sixth year of application of the Regulation, the adoption of monitoring methods has increased as compared to previous years. Moreover, several NRAs have dealt with zero-rating and traffic management cases and a handful of formal decisions were reached.

The Report does not constitute an exhaustive description of all current activities in the field of the open internet, which are described in further detail in the NRAs’ annual reports on implementing the Regulation. To access the Report, click here.