Insights House of Lords European Union Select Committee publishes Report on its work in 2016/17


The Committee has published its Report on 2016-17, which reviews its work over the last Parliamentary Session.

The Committee explains that, following the result of the 23 June 2016 referendum, its focus work has been on scrutinising the implications of Brexit. During the 2016-17 Session, this included:

  • publication of 15 Reports on the implications of Brexit across a wide range of policy fields;
  • two Reports setting out guiding principles for parliamentary scrutiny of the Brexit negotiations;
  • hearing evidence from 312 witnesses and receiving 351 written submissions;
  • close inter-parliamentary dialogue with the devolved legislatures, the European Parliament, and other national parliaments; and
  • unprecedented media and social media coverage of and interest in the Committee’s work.

The Committee says that the focus of its work continues to be the examination of the Government’s objectives in achieving the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and in building a new relationship with the EU. To access the Report, click here.
